Are you thinking of ways to increase your chances of getting hired, boost your career or just continue to grow professionally…but you’re not sure how? Are you wondering if industry credentials really make a difference? Let us help you clear any doubts! Whether you’re just starting out or have been in the workforce for several years, taking a training and certification course is well worth the time and investment. Let’s go over some of the advantages of professional development:
1. Gain skills and knowledge – The number one reason why most people obtain professional development certifications is to gain the skills and knowledge they need to do their job well. For example, if you are a Customer Service Manager or hoping to get promoted to a manager-level role, obtaining customer service manager certification will train you on the latest trends and best practices in the customer service sector.
2. Gain credibility – If you are early on in your professional career, getting trained and certified will give you an external stamp of approval that is reassuring for an employer. It shows that you know what you’re doing and that you have verified you have the skills needed to do the job well. Even for those who are more experienced, taking time to get certified or re-certified helps refresh and build on your current skill set.
3. Increase chances of getting a job or promotion – Employers often list preferred credentials and certifications as qualifications or requirements for a job or promotion. Having professional certification will definitely help you stand out because you demonstrate commitment by having gone through an often-rigorous process to earn it. According to research done by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics on the workforce participation, the rate of participation for those with a certification or license is 87% compared with 58% for those with no certification or license.
4. Reinforce your marketability – The market has become increasingly competitive, so anything you can do to boost your marketability is a good thing. If you are in the job market or considering a change, having up-to-date training and certifications on your resume and on LinkedIn will not only catch a recruiter or hiring manager’s eye, but they will also give you a competitive edge during the interview process.
5. Continue to grow and develop – Another reason people pursue certification is to grow professionally, which in turn increases their confidence at work. If you are feeling stuck in your job, setting a goal for yourself to achieve professional certification can be just what you need to get inspired. In addition, achieving a certification will set you apart – even to your supervisors – as a subject matter expert who others in your organization will look to for guidance and advice.
6. Boost your income – Last but not least, those who continuously invest in training and certification typically get promoted to or are offered manager or even director roles, which means an increase in salary. If your goal is to earn more money, research the credentials that employers are looking for, as well as the qualifications those in leadership positions currently possess. You can position yourself for a better job and pay within as little as a year, with the right training and certification.
If you’re ready to jumpstart your career or take it to the next level, you now have plenty of reasons to consider getting professional training and certification. Learning and developing professionally is always a worthwhile investment for long-term career growth, fulfillment and success. We’ll leave you with a favorite quote on growth to ponder over:
“Growth is the great separator between those who succeed and those who do not. When I see a person beginning to separate themselves from the pack, it’s almost always due to personal growth.” – John C. Maxwell